Thursday, December 10, 2009

He smiled and she slept through the night!!

Yeah, Johnny smiled! It was yesterday actually, December 9th!! In Jack fashion, he smiled when I wasn't being "sing songy" aka.. baby talk! They must get this from me because I really hate baby talk! I do it because I know it's good for their development but find it a bit silly! I looked at him and asked "Whatcha lookin at?" in kind of a "forgetta bout it" tone and got a grin from ear to ear!! I swear when you would play Peek A Boo with Jack he'd look at you like "Really, you look like an idiot, I know it's you behind there"!!
Just as equally exciting...Lexi slept through the night about 2 nights ago!! She slept about 7 1/2hrs! Jeff was very happy and well rested the next morning! Alexa is such a good baby! She of course didn't repeat herself the next night but she's on the right track. If she could only teach her brother this skill! He's still getting up every 3-4hrs but is eating 3-4oz's!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 Potty Train or Not 2 Potty Train??

Well, we thought Ava was showing signs of wanting to be potty trained so we tried it one day....a naked day that is! By the afternoon she had went "potty" on the floor twice with absolutely no remorse and than we found poop in the corner of the family room with poopy footprints around it!! Gross! We concluded that she was indeed not ready and put back on a diaper! She was so upset that she couldn't wear the princess underwear that we had to put them on over her diaper (shown above)!! The very next day we found out that she pooped and peed in the potty at Poppy's house!! She then continued to pee at our house but only on HER terms. She would come up to me and tell me she wanted help taking offf her pants and after I helped she's rip off her diaper and yell "pee" while running to the bathroom and sure enough she'd go! So, I'm not in any hurry for this and I feel like if it is her idea she'll do much better!! So, stay tuned I'll let you know when Miss Ava potty trains herself!! Now if only we could get Jack to go poop in the potty! Yup, he still hasn't gone yet and has absolutely NO intention on doing so!!

My Blue Eyed Boy!

You can't tell so much from the pics but the doc said Johnny will have blue eyes or atleast "light" eyes!! This is very strange to us to have a light eyed child! He's going to look so different from the other 3 in family photos. He appears to be getting in dark hair though and looks a lot like Jacks baby pics so he won't look totally out of place! He looks the most like my baby pics. It's strange that the boys look more like me and the girls like Jeff! :) Lucky Girls!
To add one more thing to list of things I decide to worry myself about Johnny...He like to lie on his right side and is beginning to get a "flat head" on the right!! The NICU follow up lady actually told me to be aware of this for both of them, to not have them lie or be in the same postition all of the time. I have tried but he keeps going back to that right side. If he keeps it up he's gonna have to wear a helmut but he of course doesn't understand this!! If he did, he would stop immediately, lol!!