Thursday, July 28, 2011

Look Mom.....I'm Growing Up Before Your Eyes!!

Jack was sitting on the front porch watching his new friends on the block Emmit and Cullum riding their two wheelers! Shortly after, he came racing in to tell me what he had witnessed... .he was VERY upset and determined! "They're 5 just like me" he said!!
I tried to explain to him that riding a two wheeler was something that took a lot of practice and that he would probably fall a couple times! Jeff was at work so I told him he could practice this weekend when daddy was home! This apparently was unacceptable to him! I turned around to capture Alexa (what else would I be doing) and when I turned back around I heard Jack yelling..."Mom are you watching?....I'm doing it!
I have to say not much shocks me anymore but this definitely did!! I was so happy for him and incredibly proud! I don't know of too many kids (actually none but I'm sure there are) that have taught THEMSELVES how to ride a bike! AMAZING!!