Friday, June 4, 2010

Jack graduated from PreK-3!!

Jack is officially finished with PreK-3!! It's been a great year with a fantastic teacher and both mommy and Jack meeting new friends! Jack's teacher told me they hadn't had a kid that was so polite and helpful in a long time! I'm so happy with our choice to send him to Ascension! I think a small school is a great fit for Jack and I love that the parents are so involved with the school. It gives me a chance to really get to know the families of the kids he'll be going to school with for the next 10yrs!! It takes Jack a long time to really get to know someone, trust them and open up so going to school with the same kids will be great for Jack!

Mrs Palmer had all of the kids make flags for whatever Baseball Team they liked for the upcoming season. Jack refers to them as the Black team and the Blue team! He came home from school one day saying he made a flag for the blue team! I of course thought this was hilarious considering Jeff is a die hard Sox Fan as is most of our family (on my side atleast)! Well, when I told Jeff he immedietly informed Jack he was to like the Black team and even taught him "White Sox Rule, Cubs Drool" clever, I know!! I guess he was pretty upset about it because Mrs Palmer told me that he came into class the next day insisting he make another flag for the black team for their final sing on graduation day!! She of course let him and got a good laugh! She said she'd never heard Jack be so perisitant about something!! So on graduation day he proudly waved his Black flag when they sang Take Me Out To the Ballgame (only 1 of 3 kids who did)

Can't wait for next year!

Twins....8months/6 adjusted

Well, Johnny is still just sitting up and doesn't seem to be interested in crawling anytime soon but Miss Alexa will probably be crawling soon. Ever since Johnny could sit up (5mnths adjusted) he hasn't wanted to be on his belly much?? Well, Alexa can't sit up yet therefore is ALWAYS on her belly. She's been doing baby pushups and rocking back and forth on all fours!! I don't think anyone would've predicted that she would crawl first!! Race is on.....

Solberg....... Party of 7!!!

Surprise! Well, it was to us! We're expecting baby #5 December 29, 2010!! It's going to be rough with 5 under 5 but we seemed to manage pretty well with 4 under 4 so hopefully.....

This time we know we have to hire some help and I have no idea how to go about this??? The person will be with me most of the time so it needs to be someone that I can stand "hanging out with me"!! Thinking a college student here at Concordia since it's a teaching school there should be lots of girls to choose from??