Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby For Sale!........

Ok, so Joe's not exactly for sale but his pictures are! Amy from Amy Tripple Photograpy was looking for 3 babies to model for a site she submits pics to and we were so excited she picked Joe! Here are 3 pictures that are for sale on! This is a site, from what I understood that other photogs and advertisers go to get really cheap photos/videos and they even offer some for free? We got nothing but the pics from this deal and if advertisers buy his photo we still get nuthin!! We did get free pictures though and I'm grateful for that. :)

We have a session booked with Amy late September so be on the lookout for more pics! Amy is my photographer mom inspiration. She's the one I've been taking photog classes from. Check out her amazing website/blog

Monday, July 11, 2011

photography practice...

I'm having so much fun taking there pictures. I'm thinking I really have a shot at getting this photography business going! What do you think?? Click on the pic to see it larger.

Summertime Fun! Part 1

Ava was having so much fun with the sprinkler Grandma B bought the them!

Cutest baby EVER!!

Alexa finally made it in the pool! She's not a huge fan of water!

John loves the water but getting in the pool HAS to be his idea...pretty much like everything in his life!

Love this pic of Alexa!

Even Joe LOVES poppy! Stand in line Joe! You'll have to fight John and Alexa first!!

Potty Prodigy!

Those of you who know Alexa well wouldn't be surprised to know that she's asked to go potty on the toilet and then actually did!! She tells us when she poops and just about every time when she pees. I imagine she will be potty trained the fastest!

Dinner with The Schmucks....I mean Solbergs!!

Well this doesn't happen often maybe 4x a week...ok, more like 2x a week but it's always worth it when we do all sit down together! Joe is there! I see the top of his bald head!
Everyone has to sit REALLY close so they can play more than eat, of course! Chicken nuggets and mac n cheese...The boys eat the nuggets and the girls eat everything!
Jack had went to the dentist earlier that day and had 2 very large cavities. The doc gave him Novocaine and he bit his lip multiple times and must've been hard because his lip ballooned so bad that I thought we were going to have to take him to the ER!!
Jack and Ava look like they're discussing something? I don't remember but they were probably arguing over who did something first, better and best!
Jack always such a good big brother
John always finds Jack hilarious!
Lex was actually sitting in her chair...

LOL! Ava's mean face! I caught her in action scolding Alexa!
Ha, Ha...close up of the "mean face"
So, then Jack had to do a "mean face"!
and then Ava again....
Even Alexa has a "mean face"!