Monday, April 23, 2012

Freeze Dance....starring Dizzy Joe

We do this daily...Good Exercise and Good Fun!!  Joe cracks me up!!...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

We (Jackson) Are The Champions!!

When he came home from winning his first T Ball game we blasted him with Queens "We are The Champions"!!  I'm so disappointed he'll mis 2 games while we're in Disney!!

Jackson's first "hit" in his very first B-Ball Game!

Busy Busy Kids...Happy Mommy :)

 This was a busy but FUN day!! This was fairly early in the morning!  John was looking like he needed to play so I put him in this old diaper box and we all took turns sliding him up and down the hallway!

 He had a blast!  We can add this too the list of fun things to all do with Johnny :)

 Later that afternoon Poppy took John to the park so we decided to do some messy sensory play.
 I got shaving cream, whipped cream an old car track toy, some cars and johns car raceway.....
 and let the "messy" fun begin!
 Jack and Ava loved this!  They were actually pretending it was snow which of course had them asking about christmas....and then toys!!

 Busy Busy....
 there was of course lots of tasting.  Although, Jackson mistook the shaving cream for whipped cream a couple of times and went running for water!!
 Jackson was happy to be apart of the fun...He's usually at school!

 Joe just LOVED being Messy!!
 When John got home I set up 2 water buckets one just for him and a larger one for the other kids...I was surprised and happy as to how much he loved it and played with everyone!
 Joe had fun....Joe ALWAYS has fun!
 He's really watching to see what sinks and what floats!
 Buzz Lightyear went for a swim!
 His bud (yes they're buds now) played so nicely with him :)
 Getting wet, wet wet!!

 Having so much fun! :)
Everyone was there and had a lot of fun together!  We will definitely be doing this at least once a week!

Jackson #3

 Jackson has officially started his baseball journey and we're all very excited about it!!  He has his first game today...April 22nd 2012
 Jackson is #3!  Jeff informed me that Babe Ruth was #3 and was very happy Jackson got this number.  I think Jack thought we were talking about the "baby ruth" candy bar!!  I always joked that Jackson has baseball running through his veins from BOTH sides of the family! I was really hoping he liked it! Well, he doesn't like it....He LOVES it!! Look for many more posts to follow.....Maybe even a pro baseball post in years to come.....Getting ahead of myself, I know!