Friday, June 18, 2010

Singing In The Rain...

It's been raining here a lot so Jeff thought he'd make the best of it!! Ava put on her rain boots and Jack happily rain barefoot down the sidewalk! It was a mess to clean up but they sure had FUN!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Official Guess....

Well, I thought I'd officially put down in writing for everyone to see my guess for the sex of baby #5!! A BOY!! There's no turning back now and we won't know for sure until December!

Are there reasons I think it's a boy....YUP!! Let me first say I'm 4 for 4 and Jeff is 1 for 4!! Every pregnancy has been different so I'm not comparing too much to the others. I had an immediate gut feeling when I first found out I was preggers that it was a boy (had the same gut feeling for the rest of them), I'm craving salty things not sweets. Anyone who knows me knows I could have an iv of sugar running through my veins!! There's actually been a bag of M &M's in the pantry for days and I want NO part of them instead I'll make a ham sandwich for breakfast w/lots of cheese!! There was nausea but mostly just insanley exhausted. The nausea let up around 11/12 weeks and with Ava it lasted until 16 weeks, just sayin....

I could be completely wrong (Jeff thinks girl) but thinking I'm right again. I can't wait to meet this little guy/girl and find out for sure who will be the lucky baby to join this CIRCUS!! Boy or Girl they will be loved!!