Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Johnny: Asthma :((

It's been an interesting day...Johnny had an asthma attack today! Very Scary! He was showing signs of a bad cold yesterday but when he woke up this morning I could tell something was wrong. He couldn't stay up for longer than an hour and kept collapsing in my arms if he would try to sit up! At about 8:30am it got worse, he was having a really hard time breathing and then threw up 2x!! When I called the doc the nurse got on the phone and said she could hear him weezing to bring him in asap! Luckily when we got there the doc monitored his stats and they were good so we didn't have to go to the hospital!! This is the second time in 2 months that something like this happened (last time nothing in comparison) so he officially diagnosed him with asthma! So, not only does he look exactly like a Steele he now has our health issues! Well, atleast my sister and dad!

Don't let the smile fool you most of the time he's ripping this away from his face screaming! He has to have this breathing treatment every 2-3hrs the next 2 days. We have a follow up appt with the doc tommorow when we'll talk more about the asthma. I have noticed since the last episode that he seems to get short of breathe even after crawling a lot so he said he may put him on something that would prevent asthma attacks?? I'll keep everyone posted! I wish he didn't have this but I know it could be a lot worse!!

Ava's first day at The Academy!

Ava's first day of school Sept. 14th (also Jeff's b-day)! She was in a great mood and seemed ready to go! When Jack got his backpack last year she got this one and wears it every day to drop Jack off at school! She finally gets to wear it to "HER" school!!

Mommm let's go, enough pics already!!

The Academy where Ava will go this year and then on to Ascension next year! This is a Montessori preschool for the Arts and I've been really impressed with the school thus far and have heard nothing but great things from alumni! There are 3 rooms that they rotate through; the first room she does ballet/music for 30mins, next room, physical fitness for 30 mins (love that they do this) and then the last hour is more of a typical preschool day (abc's colors etc...)

She helped pick out her name tag. She can recognize the letter "A" but not her full name yet. At this point I was starting to hear other kids screaming and crying! It's hard for a 2yr old to be seperated from their mom/dad at this age. I think it really helped that Ava has seen Jack go to school for awhile now.

She did Great! She put on her ballet shoes all by herself, hopped over the teacher helping the other kids and jumped right into the circle with the other 2 kids!! My BIG GIRL!!!