Monday, April 26, 2010

Jackson Turns 4!!

Starting from the top: Birthday Boys Jack and Luke!, Blowing out their candles, the birthday cake, mommy and Johnny, Daddy and Lexi, Cousin Zoe, Friend and co-hostess Crissy and 2 of her 4 boys, Ava and her b/f/f Caroline, Ava's friend Lake climbing, Aunt Lauren and cousin Lilly, the whole birthday clan!!

Our little guy turned 4, can't believe it!! It went by too fast! Jackson (as he refers to himself) is doing so well with his braces! You would never know he has them on, they haven't slowed him down a bit. The other day I watched him run up a hill at lightning spped, he's still faster than other kids his age even with the braces on! I really think he's a born athlete! I was worried that this whole toe walking thing would affect his athletic abilities but after seeing him progress so quickly over the last month I'm not worried anymore! Infact he's able to do things he hadn't before. His abs were weaker because he didn't use them when he walked on his toes but now he does the monkey bars all the way across and trys to do pull ups!

He had a GREAT Birthday! He celebrated starting March 17th and ended his celebration on April 11th (day of his jumpy party)!! Jack got EVERYTHING he wanted! I think he now has every Superhero toy imaginable! Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us! He is now having a great time in Disney World with MiMi and Poppy!

Bring on the Grub!!

We've introduced rice cereal to the twins but Alexa wanted absolutely nothing to do with it!! We'll keep trying! Johnny was disgusted at first but now trys to hold the spoon himself and eat which usually just ends in a complete MESS!! Ava is really into the feedings she insists on helping feed Johnny which also just leads to a MESS!!

Brothers...Best Friends!

There's nothing quite like the bond of a sibling, it's something special!! Jackson and Johnathan have really bonded lately! Johnny is noticing Jack and loving what he sees! He laughs at everything Jack does and Jack sure loves it! Johns contagious giggles encourage Jack to keep acting silly for his lil brother!
It's a blessing to witness this!

How Big's the Baby?.......Soooo Big!!

The Twins are just about 7months now 5 months adjusted age and they're beginning to be lots of fun!! Their personalities are starting to show. Lexi is still laid back and as sweet as ever, she's a good sleeper and LOVES her daddy! Johnny is Mr. Social!! He loves to be around people and hams it up any chance he gets! He LOVES to play in the excersaucer
The twins are rollin, rollin!! This new skill started about 2-3 weeks ago and is so fun to watch! It started out with the occasional roll but now when you lie them on their backs they immediately roll over. This new milestone has interrupted Johnny's great sleep!! He used to be such a good sleeper but now wakes himself up from rolling so much? I was hoping he would just roll and stay on his belly but no such luck! Mommy has been sooo tired!
So, now we're working on crawling and sitting up....stay tuned!!