Friday, February 5, 2010

Hair Accessories

Pink and Brown Feather headband
Pink Tulle Headband, below there's a matching tulle barrette :)

Alexa, so pretty in her Pink Tulle Headband

Hot Pink Flower Clip. I'm working on a headband style of this...

Big Sister Pink Tulle Hair Clip. Matches the Pink Tulle headband on Alexa

Pink satin/tulle hairclip
I've been working on making the girls hair accessories in my free time, lol!! There has been little or no free time lately so I haven't done much lately!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Alexa...Jan 2010

One word...well two words......Beautiful Baby!! Although, not a cuddly baby, she's a "good"baby!! She's by far the most laid back of the 4!!
Alexa weighed in @ 8lbs 9oz making her 4lbs lighter than her brother!! She's in the 10% of all kids her age. Alexa is also probably the smiliest of all our babies! She will smile at anyone, anytime!!
There's nothing much going on w/Lexi. She hasn't been sleeping as well lately! Jeff's really hoping it's just a phase! :)

Johnny....Jan 2010

Johnny is now 2 1/2 months (adjusted age) and just under 13lbs!! He was in the 78% for height and weight so only time will tell if he'll be as big as Jack! Jackson was always in the 90% for height and 75% for weight!!
Johny still needs to be held all the time! I'm holding him now, so excuse any typing errors!! He is a high maintenance baby but so was Jack and Jack couldn't be any further from high maintenance! This is what I keep telling myself!! lol!
As Johnny gets older he's lookin more and more like me! It's strange to see! I think since I look exactly like my dad that he's going to look more like my dad than Jeff??? Time will tell, I only wish he had Jeffs coloring...oh well! Sunscreen here we come!!!
John had his 2 month NICU follow up appt recently and they were very impressed!! He passed all of their tests and they thought he was a very strong 2 month old. They explained that physically the twins will probably do eveything more by their "adjusted" age but socially they can do things by their "age". Does that make sense?? This would explain the "good" sleep habits so early on!! :)
I can't believe I was ever worried about this kid smiling!! He smiles all of the time now! He sleeps with me and there's nothing better than waking up to that grin!!

Ava....Jan 2010

Happy Birthday Ava!! Ava turned 2 on the 23rd and we had a little get together for her with all of her cousins and girlfriends on the block! She had a great time as did her mommy! I swear it seems like she's been 2 forever though. She is so mature for her age! She is talking even more now, mostly in sentences. She also screams if you don't immedietely drop what you're doing and do whatever SHE WANTS!!! Her personality can be challenging but I love a good challenge and find myself thinking most of it is cute and funny! The problem is I don't think everyone else thinks it's funny and/or cute! lol!!
On the potty training front, things have gotten worse!! She now takes off her diaper EVERYTIME she pees or poops. The other day I walked in the family room and she was coloring with her poopy diaper off and poop still hangin (you get the idea)! She apparentley was too busy to stop what she was doing!! When you confront her on the subject she tells you matter of factly that "I want diaper off"! How can I argue with that?? So, I think by her choice we're in full force potty training mode. Oh, did I mention she's apparently fully potty trained at MiMi's and Poppys??? She rules the roost!!
We were also told at her recent pedetrician appt that it's time to get rid of the paci and he said with her personality it will be HELL for 5 days but that she should then forget about it! We have to come up with a plan of attack. I tried cold turkey as that's how I best get rid of things and it was indeed HELL!! She had the worst tantrum yet!! I gave in! We will now try the whole Paci Fairy thing, wish us luck! We're going to need it!
Ava's favorite things to say: "I wanna have that", "I wanna try that", "Exkuse me (softly), Exkuse me ( a lil louder) EXKUSE ME"(screaming) "Come on, Come on" as she's pulling my leg to show me that there are monsters in the front room and she's not afraid at all...she wants there to be monsters there!! LOL!
To know her is to LOVE her!! Truly :)

Jackson...Jan 2010

I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged!! Things have defenitely gotten harder as the twins have gotten older! It's amazing that they're both sleeping now so that I can do this! I will do a blog of each kiddo and catch up....
Jackson has had an eventful month!! Jack was in the hospital for 2 nights last week, very scary!! He started showing signs of being sick around Ava's bday and then on Tuesday we got a call from his teacher that he fell asleep at school! He hasn't taken a nap since he was 2 so this was very out of character for him! Also, his eyes and face were swollen which we thought was from an allergic reaction to this Buzz Lightyear shampoo he had gotten in his eyes but now know that had nothing to do with it! You can actually see that his face was swollen in the pic of him and Alexa taken the night before he was admitted into the hospital! When Jeff took him to the pedetrician he started throwing up all over the office and his lips had completely scabbed over! We now know that was from dehydration! After 2 long days in the hospital we found out he had Mono, so glad it's over. He is doing much better, his face swelling is down and the rash from the fever he got on his face is almost gone. The doc says he might be tired and cranky for the next 3-4wks!! JAck is normally a VERY sweet kid and seemed to be fine the last couple days!
With that said, Jack and Ava have been fighting a lot lately! Sometimes, it's just plain funny becasue sadly Ava knows just how to push Jacks buttons! Jackson has got to be the BEST Big Brother out there! I've never known of another kid that handles his brothers and sisters so well. He has never been jealous, even when we brought Ava home! He loves Johnny and Alexa so much and they smile everytime he comes around! The house was def not the same without Jackson. He brings laughter to the house! Someone said to me recently to "really love the kids, show them what REAL love feels like" I've thought about this everyday since and maybe that's why there was never any jealousy with any of the kids? I feel this is something we've done well, especially Jeff, we try desperetly to divide the "love" equally! It's challenging sometimes! There are days we catch ourselves; Jeff with Alexa and Jackson and me with Johnny and Ava which is because Johnny and Ava are def. the challenging ones so we have to work on that!