Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ava's Halloween Sing

Ava had her Halloween sing, parade and party on the 27th of October. It was too cute!! The kids were all shy except for the girl to Ava's left. If it wasn't for her we would've been just starring at silent kiddos! lol!!
There's only 5 kids in her class and they all get along so well. There's 2 teachers (Mrs Palmer and Mrs Lyons) for these 5 kids! It's kinda like having their own private tutor!
They sang about 4-5 songs then they went off to parade around the school. They finished with a Halloween party in their classroom! It was a great day. I really like her teachers :)
Ava was a witch for this Halloween party.. During the Halloween season she was a witch, barbie, Ariel and was Snow White the day of Halloween! Needless to say, I went to the local resale shop to get a lot of their costumes!

Design For 5

So, I've started a new blog...Design for 5 which is sort of an online journal of all my design ideas. I'm LOVING it! Now everyone else can see what is going on inside this design mind of mine! I'm going to have someone design it for me after the Holidays and then make it more public!

Check it out:

Halloween 2011

The weather here in Chicago was great this Halloween which makes it much more enjoyable for the kids! Besides Christmas this is there favorite Holiday! Alexa as Belle and Joe as the cutest little blue monster I've ever seen!

John was SuperMan but we had to tell him he was SpiderMan or else he wanted nothing to do with it! He made it about 2 houses before he saw the crowd of kids and decided this was NOT his favorite Holiday! I tried to find an Oscar the Grouch costume for him (I think we all know why) but no luck :(
Vampire! This was his 3rd costume!!
So, I'm cracking up right now, I wish I would've captured this on video! The people at this house went ALL OUT! They had 3 or4 people in scary costumes walking on the sidewalks scaring people and the man from the scream movies answering the door giving out candy! As you can see Ava left absolutely horrified!! I was busy taking pictures and didn't realize what was going on but luckily a couple girls helped her safely down the stairs. Click on pic to get a closer look...Ha!
I'm not sure what she enjoyed more...talking with everyone or getting candy from everyone!
She had a blast!!

Happy Belated Halloween!