Friday, August 27, 2010

It's hard to let go!!

It's hard to let go....I bet you were thinking it was me that was having a hard time seeing Jack go to school! Nope, it was Ava!! Jack had his first day of Pre-K 4 on Thursday and while I had a couple tears last year this year I had a big smile as he went off with all of his new friends (lots more boys this year) and his new teacher! Ava, however, did not share my enthusiasm! Her best friend and partner in crime was leaving her every day but Wednesday even if it's only for 3hrs!
Today when we dropped Jack off at school 2 boys (twins) came running up to him yelling "Hi Jack" and just before they got to him Ava darted in front of them shoving one to the side and stepped in front of Jack! When one of the boys said "Hey that wasn't nice" she stuck out her tongue as if to say THAT WAS THE POINT!! I then pulled Ava aside and asked her to let Jack play with his new friends! After a couple more minutes Jack was surrounded by the rest of the boys in his class wanting to play with him and the twin boys! Yes, Ava was once in the middle of all the action. Just before Mrs Cantafio arrived to greet the kids I heard one of the boys ask Jack if he wanted to come over for a playdate soon! It looks like this is going to be a great year for Jack!! Miss Ava starts her own adventures at a different school Sept. 14th. I'm guessing she'll do just fine!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Baby Model!!

Everytime I see him do this is it cracks me up! He does it OFTEN!! I was so glad to have finally captured it on film. I was taking those pics of Alexa walking when I saw him doing this. I guess he felt his sister was showing him up!!

Too little to walk???

We got our walker back from Patrick and Laurie since Ryan is officially walking now and Alexa wasted no time checking it out! She played with it at first but as soon as she pulled herself up and realized what it could do or more importantly saw where it could take her she was off!! These pics can't even explain how funny it is to see her doing this! She's sooo tiny to be walking!! She looks like a 4 month old cruisin around!

Gang of Pirates!

Jack and Ava escape in the front room daily to play pirates. They use the couch as their ship and the coffee table as the plank! Yes, Ava is usually the one made to walk the plank and she happily jumps from the table into a sea of couch cushions! On this particular day John and Alexa had made their way in to be part of the action!